■ LS, a holding company appointed Chairman John Koo and Vice-president Lee Kwang-Woo as new CEOs
■ Vice-chairman Christopher Koo was appointed as CEO and Son Jong-Ho as Vice-president of LS Cable
■ LS Mtron appointed Vice-chairman Christopher Koo and Vice-president Shim Jae-Seol as CEOs
■ Funds secured through IPO (Initial Public Offering) will be invested on new businesses and M&A
As of July 1, LS Group (Chairman: John Koo) splits LS Cable into three; LS Corp., a holding corporation and two other new corporations, LS Cable Co., Ltd. and LS Mtron Co., Ltd. They had a board of directors meeting on the morning of July 1st and officially started business.
LS, a holding company, and LS Cable and LS Mtron had a board of directors meeting on July 1st to decide top management. As CEOs, LS appointed Chairman John Koo and Lee Kwang-Woo; LS Cable appointed Vice-chairman Christopher Koo and Vice-president Son Jong-Ho; and LS Mtron appointed Vice-chairman Koo Ja-Yeol and Vice-president Shim Jae-Seol.
The Chairman, John Koo, who took the position of CEO of the holding company will hold an additional position as chairman of the executive board. Establishing the management portfolio of the group and through investment in new business and M&A, he will lead LS group towards a new leap.
The holding company plans to use the fund secured through IPO (Initial Public Offering) of LS Cable and LS Mtron, newly established corporations, as investment resources to launch new businesses and M&A.
The major income source of LS Corp. is the dividend and rental income from LS Tower. They plan to increase brand value for more systematic management and brand increase, and continue to aggressively try to secure various income sources in the future.
For more reinforced responsible management and business specialties, LS Cable and LS Mtron appointed Vice-president Son Jong-Ho and Vice-president Shim Jae-Sul as new COOs (Chief Operating Officer).
LS starts holding company system as of July 1.
2008-07-01LS Cable to acquire superior essex for US$900 million
2008-06-11LS Industrial Systems starts Hi-pass on-board unit business
2008-06-09LS holds ‘T-Fair 2008’ an R & D festival
2008-05-28LS joins citizens to the ceremony commemorating the completion of LS Tower