■ Top management of LS Cable attend the annual leaders’ meeting of Superior Essex
■ Vice-chairman & CEO Christopher Koo says, “before long, we will become No. 1 cable company in the world by creating synergies”
Seoul, Korea, September 4, 2008 - LS Cable is pushing forward with PMI (Post Merger Integration) of US-based Superior Essex, to create business performance by successful completing this acquisition, building channels for sharing and communicating visions and corporate culture, and streamlining communication.
The top management of LS Cable, including vice-chairman & CEO Christopher Koo, attended the ‘Annual Leaders’ Meeting’ of Superior Essex of the US in Boston from September 3 to September 5, exchanged opinions on mutually creating synergies and encouraged the employees of Superior Essex.
“The sole purpose of this M&A was to reinforce the core competencies of the two companies in the field of cables, and we will soon become No. 1 cable company in the world by sharing success stories in all areas including sales, manufacturing and operations,” said Mr. Koo on September 4 (KST) in a speech he gave at the first such event held after the acquisition of Superior Essex.
Also, Mr. Koo said with emphasis, “LS Cable and Superior Essex are now a family, and LS Cable will provide the employees of Superior Essex with the same opportunities as their counterparts in LS Cable so that they can give full play to their abilities and grow with the company.”
Superior Essex CEO Stephen Carter, executives and over 100 team leaders from 25 workplaces across the world attended this meeting, and the top management of LS Cable, including Vice-Vhairman & CEO Christopher Koo, Senior Executive Vice President Jong-ho Sohn, and Senior Vice President Choong-hyun Kim, and more than 10 working-level staff members were present at this event. They promoted friendship and unity and increased mutual understanding through mutual exchange.
PMI of Superior Essex goes full steam ahead
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