■ Quick chargers installed for electric vehicles used by local governments in 17 locations nationwide
■ Independently developed power transmission, communication module and charging interfaces
■ Recognized as a total service provider capable of charger
manufacturing, installation and operation
■ Wide range of business models developed including a
charger that draws power from the metropolitan rail network
On the 15th, LS Cable & System (Chairman & CEO: Christopher Koo) announced the completion of a project ordered by the Korea Environment Corporation (KECO) to implement a quick electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The project is to install quick chargers for electric vehicles to be used by local governments in 17 locations nationwide including the Korea Post Seoul Office, Jeju Provincial Government Office, Daegu City Hall and Ulleungdo County Office (see attachment). An electric vehicle can be driven about 135?140km when charged for 30 minutes with the quick charger (based on BlueOn of Hyundai Motor Company).
For this project, LS Cable & System developed a 380V level power transmission system, a communication module between individual chargers and the KECO server and vehicle charging interfaces (connector and cable). As a result of the achievement, LS Cable & System became the first in Korea to win “K” certification for electrical appliance stability from the Korea Testing & Research Institute.
The significance of this project is that it is an implementation project for full scale distribution of electric vehicles that is differentiated from conventional pilot projects. In other words, according to LS Cable & System, this project, unlike experimental and research type projects of the past, is the spark that marks the opening of the electric vehicle era. LS Cable & System was selected for this project as it was recognized for its achievement to successfully install and operate a total of 21 chargers, which included 13 for Korea’s first high-speed electric vehicle charging infrastructure project for KECO in 2010 and five units for the Jeju Smart Grid Test Bed. In particular, LS Cable & System was highly evaluated for its ability to operate electric vehicle charging systems which the company not only designed and manufactured, but also installed.
Meanwhile, LS Cable & System has completed an electric vehicle charging system that uses the existing urban railway power network as the first in the world and, based on the achievements so far, is developing a wide range of business models. In addition, LS Cable & System is actively searching for ways to target overseas markets in the U.S., China and Europe.
In order for electric vehicles to gain widespread popularity and be distributed in full scale, LS Cable & System has successfully completed a project to implement a charging infrastructure for electric vehicles to be used by local governments.
An LS Cable & System electric vehicle quick charger installed at Daegu City Hall.
In order for electric vehicles to gain widespread popularity and be distributed in full scale, LS Cable & System has successfully completed a project to implement a charging infrastructure for electric vehicles to be used by local governments.
An LS Cable & System electric vehicle quick charger.
In order for electric vehicles to gain widespread popularity and be distributed in full scale, LS Cable & System has successfully completed a project to implement a charging infrastructure for electric vehicles to be used by local governments.
An LS Cable & System electric vehicle quick charger is showcased at Hannover Messe 2011.
Charge electric vehicles in Ulleungdo!
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