E1 known as one of the leading company in the LPG industry announced that ‘Koo Ja Yong’, who is the second son of ‘Koo Pyeong Hoe’ (honorary chair-person of E1), was elected as the new chief executive officer by the board of directors on March 11th .
BY electing ‘Koo Ja Yong’ AS THE chief executive officer E1 finally SET up THE owner-MANAGED ORGANIZATION.
UNDER THE NEW MANAGEMENT SYSTEM E1 IS seeking FOR THE NEW business opportunities such AS THE CONTAINER terminal AND overseas resources development IN ORDER TO enter INTO THE non-LPG field beyond THE position OF CURRENT LPG Maker.
According TO THE official, E1 IS expected TO accelerate its efforts TO expand INTO THE NEW business era more actively UNDER THE responsibility OF CEO ‘Koo Ja Yong’.